March Break Moved to April 12-16
Today, we were informed that the Ministry of Education has made the decision that students will continue learning through the week previously identified as March break (March 15-19) and that the break has been moved to the week of April 12-16, 2021.
The Ministry of Education has not provided us with details about this announcement and we anticipate more information soon.
At this time, we are unsure of the impact of the change on the school year calendar in respect to the elementary five-day cycle or the secondary quadmester schedule.
As more information arrives, the Board will review and plan how to adjust schedules, if need be.
We understand that this most recent announcement may heighten the level of uncertainty for all members of our Catholic community. Please know that we will continue to work together, with families, in the best interest of student health and well-being.
We will provide more information about our plan to handle the Ministry-revised school year calendar, in respect to the movement of the March break to April 12-16, as soon as possible.