Tuesday, October 12th, 2021
The school continues to receive calls from the community of students littering in the neighbourhood on their way back from the Whitehorse Plaza at lunch. Students are expected to refrain from littering in the neighbourhood and to dispose of any garbage in the garbage cans back at the school.
On a positive note, the Dollarama store in the Whitehorse Plaza is willing to reopen their doors to HT students. We expect that students will display acceptable behaviour while in the store and uphold the reputation of HT students of being positive contributors to the surrounding community.
Congratulations to our Football Team who beat Pauline Johnson, 9-6 on Friday.
The French Club will be meeting this Thursday, October 14th at the beginning of lunch in room 146. New members are always welcome. Please bring your lunch.
Just a reminder, tomorrow is Dress Down Day for $2.00. All proceeds will go to the United Way.