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Counselling Services

Holy Trinity Catholic High School offers services that support the whole student. No matter what the issue, students and parents can count on our trained staff to provide support. Please feel comfortable knowing that you can contact any member of our counselling team for assistance.

Addictions Counsellor

Community Addiction and Mental Health Services of Haldimand and Norfolk (CAMHS) counsellors provide assessment and outpatient counselling to people of all ages experiencing issues with alcohol, drug use, and/or gambling. Counsellors are available through in-person appointments at school or via telephone. CAMHS also has community-based offices across Haldimand and Norfolk if you are interested in seeing a counsellor outside of school. 
Please contact your Guidance Department to schedule an appointment or you can call 1-877-909-HELP (4357) directly to set up an appointment.

STOP Abuse In Relationships (S.T.A.R. Program)

Counselling is available for female and male students who:

  • have witnessed abuse
  • have experienced abuse in a dating relationship, either as the victim or as the abuser
  • have been a victim of sexual assault/abuse
  • have experienced other forms of abuse in dating or peer relationships, e.g. bullying, harrassment
  • want information and help to support a friend in an abusive situation

Jen Lados, your S.T.A.R. counsellor, is available at Holy Trinity on Thursday mornings and can be called if there is a crisis...519.428.4295 - Ext. 204. Appointments can be made through Students Services or by calling Women's Services. Women's Services can be contacted for help in understanding, supporting and advocating for teens who have experienced abuse. Support is available through Women's Services crisis line, 24 hours/day, 365 days/year. Anonymous calls are accepted.


Females 16 and over can be referred for any of the services at Haldimand and Norfolk Women's Services. Please call directly as Haldimand & Norfolk Women’s Services cannot guarantee confidentiality in email correspondence.

Public Health Nurse and Public Health Promoter

A Public Health Nurse is available to work with students, staff and parents. Holy Trinity's Public Health Nurse will be in the school on a weekly basis to provide counseling to students on issues such as mental health and various health concerns. Students are able to self-refer to see the nurse, or may be also be referred by family, school staff or friends.

To schedule an appointment, contact Student Services at Holy Trinity or call the Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit at 519-426-6170 Ext. 3223.

School Social Worker

Holy Trinity has a designated school Social Worker who is available to assist with the mental health needs of our students. Andrea Winger is currently our school social worker. She works closely with the school's administration and Alert Team to ensure our student's social/emotional needs are met.

Social Work Support Information