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Tuesday, April 25th, 2023

Attention members of The Lorax, you have a practice on the stage today and tomorrow at lunch in preparation for the performances on Thursday.  Please be prompt.


Yesterday the boys soccer team played to a 2-2 draw versus SCS. Goals scored by ben Fitzgerald and Isaac Gascoigne. Player of the game was Ben Reyes.


Attention Titans: Are you interested in joining HT’s cheer team? Try-outs will be held Tuesday May 2nd and Wednesday May 3rd from 7 - 8:30 am in the small gym. Pick up permission forms outside room 255 and see Ms. Vukelich or Ms. Slaght  if you have any questions. You must attend both try-outs in order to considered.


Anyone interested in being a part of the Holy Trinity Angling team this year, please see Ms. Hanson in TLC at the beginning of Lunch on TUESDAY April 25. 


Sign up for this exciting trip from Rome, Italy to Athens, Greece, March 9th to 17th, 2024.  Details, and register by scanning QR code on poster on the door of Room 232.

Register before April 28 to secure a 200 dollar discount.

Questions? see Ms Sullivan or Mr Varga.