Thursday, January 16th, 2025
Important announcement for all student tour guides helping with Open House tonight! There is a brief meeting with Mrs. Hanson immediately following announcements in guidance.
This announcement is from the library. Students, please remember that there is NO FOOD OR DRINK ALLOWED in the library. Please be respectful of the space by ensuring you eat before you visit the library, and only bring water into the space.
This is an announcement for all French Club students who ordered a hoodie. Please pay for your hoodie using school cash online, keep the receipt and see Madame Vezsenyi for your hoodie once you have paid. Thanks.
Any students in grade 9, 10 or 11 that are interested in writing the University of Waterloo math contest must sign up before classes end for the semester. You can sign up with your current math teacher or see Mr. Haak in room 260 at lunch. The first contest takes place on Wednesday, February 26th.
Attention grade 12 STEM university applicants!
The deadline for the Schulich Leader Scholarship is looming.
Interested students must submit a 1 page summary answering the question “Why would I make a good SCHULICH Leader?"
The submission for the nomination is Jan. 24th.
The deadline for you to apply is Feb. 19th.
Please speak to Ms. Berta is guidance if you have any questions.
Haldimand County is offering an opportunity for students to participate in the "Principles of Healthy Child Development" course on January 31st at the Cayuga arena. If you are interested in signing up for this course, please come to guidance to get more information on how to register. The cost of the course is $75.25