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Wednesday, February 5th, 2025

A couple of messages from guidance.  

Attention grade 12s: Grade 12 Community Service hours to be considered for graduation awards, are due this Friday.  Please bring your signed volunteer hours that have been completed  for a not for profit organization to guidance before the end of the day on Friday. 


If you require a timetable change, please have a parent email your guidance counsellor with details of what you would like to change.  Guidance is working through the changes in priority sequence, such as level changes or failed courses that need to be repeated.  Elective changes are not a priority.  Students must attend classes until guidance has contacted you.  We are working through changes as quickly as possible, and we are unable to find you to discuss your desired changes if you are not in class.  Many classes are full so timetable changes are not always possible.  We will not make any timetable changes without parent permission and we will not make any changes for teacher preference or to be with friends. 



Course selection presentations will be happening on Thursday during period 2 for any students in grade 12 who are wishing to return for a fifth year.  Any student wishing to return should plan to attend.  
Course selection presentations for Grade 9s will be happening next week Monday-Thursday with your period 1 class.  Grade 10 and 11 students will have a brief refresher of our pre-Christmas presentations on Tuesday Feb. 11th.  MyBlueprint will open on Monday Feb. 10th and selections, activity fees and digitally signed permission forms are due by February 20th. 



This is a reminder to all students who are going on the Quebec trip next week that your form for dog sledding is due today. Please bring this to Madame Vezsenyi today or email a copy of the signed form. 


Also, a reminder for French Club members who requested a hoodie please pay for this using school cash online and come and get your hoodie. If you no longer wish to have this hoodie then it will be available for other members of the club to purchase. Thank you. 


Attention members of the Boys Varsity Hockey Team.

The boys are reminded of their practice tomorrow at 3:00 pm at Talbot Gardens.

Any questions or concerns, contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow, Mr. Lichty or Mr. Maitz.