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Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

Titans, join us in the library to celebrate and spread love! We have a colouring contest  and supplies to create messages of love for your friends, family, teachers, and anyone else who could use some love this week. 

Come to the library at lunch for colouring pages and love note supplies! 


There will be a girl's rugby meeting Today at the beginning of lunch in room 239. If you are interested in playing, please attend. 


Attention Grads, a $300 essay opportunity.


If you are in your graduating year and enjoy writing, answer the question "How might Religion be used to promote peace in the contemporary world?"  You could be awarded $300 and a plaque. 

See the guidance scholarship board or their BrigtSpace page for more info.


Attention members of the Boys Varsity Hockey Team.

The boys are reminded of their semi-final game TODAY in Delhi at 3:30 pm.

Any questions or concerns, contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow, Mr. Lichty or Mr. Maitz.  



A reminder to all grade 12 students who are wishing to return for a 5th year.  Applications (on the blue handout) to return are due by Friday Feb. 14th in guidance.