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Graduation Requirements

The 'Register Now' link also includes a video which describes the various course levels and diploma requirements.  Make sure to check it out.

Ontario Secondary School Diploma Requirements                                                                                                                   

  • English (4 credits - one credit per grade)
  • Mathematics (3 credits, with at least one in Grade 11 or 12)
  • Science (2 credits)
  • French as a second language (1 credit)
  • Canadian geography (1 credit-Grade 9)
  • Canadian history (1 credit-Grade 10)
  • The arts (1 credit)
  • Health and physical education (1 credit)
  • Civics (1/2 credit-Grade 10) Careers (1/2 credit-Grade 10)
  • One credit from each of the group selections listed below

One of the following choices (Group 1):

Additional English, or French as a second language, or Native language, or a classical or an international language, or social sciences and the humanities, or Canadian and world studies, or guidance and career education, cooperative education.

One of the following choices (Group 2):

Additional health and physical education, or the arts, or Business studies, or French as a second language, or cooperative education One of the following choices: Additional science (Grade 11 or 12), or technological education, or French as a second language, or cooperative education

One of the following choices (Group 3):

Additional science (Grade 11 or 12), or technological education, or French as a second language, or Cooperative Education

You must also complete:

  • 4 religion credits
  • 8 optional credits
  • Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (Grade 10)
  • 40 hours of community service over four years


Literacy Test

During the Grade 10 year, students will be given the opportunity to write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). Students must pass this test (or the OSSLC) in order to graduate. Students who have been eligible to write the OSSLT at least once, and who have been unsuccessful are eligible to take the Grade 12 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC). When these students successfully complete the OSSLC, they will have met the provincial literacy requirements for graduation.


Community Hours

As part of the diploma requirements, students are required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of volunteer activities with a NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION. These activities may be conducted the summer prior to starting grade 9 through to January the year of graduation. The community involvement requirement is designed to provide an opportunity for students to meet the Catholic Graduate Expectations, to encourage students to develop awareness and understanding of civic responsibility and of the role they can play in supporting and strengthening their communities. The requirement is to be completed outside students’ normal school instructional hours. Students will maintain and provide a record of their community involvement activities. The principal will decide whether the student has met the requirements for both the Ministry and the Board for these activities.

Eligible Activities for Community Service Hours

Community Service Hours Form


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