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Morning Announcements

Thursday, June 2nd, 2022

There will be a music ministry practice in the music room, room 147 over the Grade 9/11 Lunch today

God bless!


All athletes are invited to attend the 2022 HT Titans Athletic Banquet. This banquet is an opportunity for all student athletes to gather and celebrate the individual accomplishments and team achievements this past season. Tickets are $10 and include lunch with various team and school awards being distributed. The banquet will take place on Thursday June 9 at the beginning of first lunch. Please see Mr. Flynn in the PE office to purchase your ticket. 

Tuesday, May 31st, 2022

All athletes are invited to attend the 2022 HT Titans Athletic Banquet. This banquet is an opportunity for all student athletes to gather and celebrate the individual accomplishments and team achievements this past season. Tickets are $10 and include lunch with various team and school awards being distributed. The banquet will take place on Thursday June 9 at the beginning of first lunch. Please see Mr. Flynn in the PE office to purchase your ticket. 


Attention all cheerleaders who tried out on Thursday: thank you to everyone who tried out.  The team has been posted outside of the phys Ed office. All girls who made the team are asked to come to an important but brief meeting in room 255 tomorrow morning at 8:40. Thanks from the coaches. 


There will be a Music Ministry practice beginning at 11:35am today in the music room, room #147

Monday, May 30th, 2022

All athletes are invited to attend the 2022 HT Titans Athletic Banquet. This banquet is an opportunity for all student athletes to gather and celebrate the individual accomplishments and team achievements this past season. Tickets are $10 and include lunch with various team and school awards being distributed. The banquet will take place on Thursday June 9 at the beginning of first lunch. Please see Mr. Flynn in the PE office to purchase your ticket. 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Yesterday the junior and senior boys rugby team both achievedCWOSSA gold. The junior team finished their season with only two losses and this CWOSSA gold is the first in school history for any Junior Rugby team. The coaches are proud of them and their incredible season. The seniors now advance to the OFSSA championships which will be held in Coburg next Thursday Friday and Saturday where they will be competing alongside the beat schools in our province. Congrats Boys!!!

Will all senior boys rugby players come down to the gym right away for an important OFSSA rugby meeting.


Grade 12 Grads.  Last chance to sign up in Guidance for next week's workshop with a Counsellor from Employment Services.  A Career Counsellor will be coming next Tuesday to meet with students looking for full-time employment after graduation.  They can offer assistance with job searches, resume writing, and interview support.  There are funds to help you with work equipment, training and uniforms.  Please sign up today!

Here is a chance to do some community service in the area of Holy Trinity.  Help is needed this Saturday morning to move a disabled adult from a basement.  You would be lifting boxes and carrying items up a flight of stairs.  Please see Miss Aitken in Guidance if you are able to help for a couple of hours.




Wednesday, May 25th, 2022

Coach Bramer and Maschelle would like to congratulate the tennis team for their efforts this season for another overall AABHN team title.  A big congrats to team members Alex Deroo, Alex Sullivan, Riley Rickerman, Simon Vanrooy for their work at the CWOSSA tennis championships. Looking forward to next season. 


Can all students who are competing at OFSAA West Track and field this Friday and Saturday please come down to the phys ed office for a very brief but important meeting following announcements.

Tuesday, May 24th, 2022

Mr. Chernak and the car show committee would thank everyone who participated in the Car Truck Tractor and Bike Show last Friday. 

The event raised $320 for the United Way.

See you next year!


The varsity girls rugby team played at CWOSSA in Owen Sound last Friday and dominated the pitch in their first game of the day with a 17-0 victory over the Preston Panthers. Trys were scored by Jill Todd, Emma Thomson and Hailey VanMale. Kendall Mychajluk added an extra 2 points with her conversion. THe girls were pumped for their second game match as a win would have put them in the final - but the girls faced a tough Grey Highlands team and although they fought a hard battle - they were defeated 14-5 with the single try scored by Kemi Lasisi.  Special shout outs to Abi Thomson and Nat Hein for their leadership role throughout the season and of course to our all of our Grade 12's.. we will certainly miss you next year! Congratulations to all of you for a successful year of growth and development and most importantly being back on the pitch for school sports! The coaches would like to thank the entire team for a great year and we look forward to next year already with this amazing group of talented athletes!


Did you know, in a 2019 a survey of working Canadians showed that 75% of respondents said they would be reluctant – or would refuse – to disclose a mental illness to an employer or co-worker because of the stigma they might face.  

However, 76% of respondents stated that they themselves would be completely comfortable with and supportive of a colleague with a mental illness. 

Let’s work together to end the stigma Titans! We have a supportive and helpful community waiting to help you!

If you’d like to make a positive impact on your school community, consider joining Jack Chapter! See Miss Slaght in room 166 for more information. 

Friday May 2nd

Congrats to our Track and Field team who competed at CWOSSA the past two days in Brantford. Our team was very successful with 13 entries into OFSAA West which is being held Friday and Saturday next week in Windsor. Huge shout out goes to all members who competed with the very best track and field athletes from Collingwood down to Lake Erie.

Special shout outs go to those advancing to OFSAA West-

Brianna Vamos- 1st in Long Jump, 1st, Triple Jump, 5th in 100meter

Logan Freethy-  2nd 100 meter, 5th 200 meter, 5th 400meter

Jessica Benz- 2nd in Javelin, 4th Discus, 3rd in shot put

Bryadon McCallum- 1st in Shot put

Aviah Bramer- 1st in Discus

Alexis Revai-  3rd in Shot Put

Tessa Deroo- 4th in High Jump


Congrats to all and best of luck next weekend in Windsor. 

All athletes advancing need to speak to Mr. Backus at some point today.

Thursday, May 12th, 2022

Titans we did it!! Our Holy Trinity Titans Track and Field competed in the very first AABHN Track and Field meet the last two days at Kiwanis Field in Brantford. Competing against all schools from Brantford, Haldimand, and Norfolk we came out in first place overall!!! The Titans team was very strong in all events throughout the day and shout outs go to everyone that competed and cheered on our fellow Titans.  Individual award winners will be accumulated today by track officials and will congratulated on tomorrow's announcements.

Can all athletes who finished 1st or 2nd for D9 please come and talk to Mr. Backus today to verify entries to CWOSSA which is next week on Wednesday and Thursday.




The Holy Trinity Angling Team is BACK!

If you would like to attend the Valley Heights High School fishing invitational this June, please see Ms. Hanson in TLC at the beginning of your lunch today to pick up a permission form.  There is a limit to how many students we can bring in this tournament so it will be first come first served. 

Tuesday, May 10th, 2022

The boys soccer team won their quarter final matchup 4-1. Goals were scored by Andre Feere, Owen Pacheco, and 2 by Noah Gascoigne. An entire team effort but standout performances by Peter Han and David Barrios. The boys will play in the semi-finals next week.


Congratulations to the varsity girls rugby team as they will be heading to Cwossa in Owen sound next Friday! Although the girls were defeated in the semi finals- they faced a tough AAA BCI squad. The girls still remained in the top 2 AA teams for the area after regular season play and therefore earned a spot at CWOSSA.

The girls will continue their regular practice schedule this week.  Way to Go Titans.


A reminder to all track and field athletes that the bus is leaving for Brantford at 1:30PM promptly this afternoon. 

All athletes competing in track and Field tomorrow are reminded that the bus is leaving at 8:45 AM for the AABHN meet. Good luck to all athletes!!

Junior football will be starting on Monday next week. Sign up sheets and permission forms are outside the phys ed office. 


cheerleaders. Cheerleading is back at HT for the 2022/2023 school year! Tryouts will begin this year so that we can be ready for fair next year. Experience is not mandatory. If you have Titan spirit and enjoy dancing, jumping, and are interested in performing stunts, you may be a right fit for the team. There will be three tryouts and all three are mandatory as you will learn different skills during each one. Tryouts are Monday, May 16th from 3:15 to 4:45, Thursday, May 19th from 7:15 to 8:30am, and Tuesday, May 24th from 7:15 to 8:30am in the small gym. Permission forms are available outside of room 255 and must be presented at the first tryout. Please be dressed in athletic clothing with hair tied back. Bring plenty of water and your school spirit! 



Monday, May 9th, 2022

Attention all cheerleaders. Cheerleading is back at HT for the 2022/2023 school year! Tryouts will begin this year so that we can be ready for fair next year. Experience is not mandatory. If you have Titan spirit and enjoy dancing, jumping, and are interested in performing stunts, you may be a right fit for the team. There will be three tryouts and all three are mandatory as you will learn different skills during each one. Tryouts are Monday, May 16th from 3:15 to 4:45, Thursday, May 19th from 7:15 to 8:30am, and Tuesday, May 24th from 7:15 to 8:30am in the small gym. Permission forms are available outside of room 255 and must be presented at the first tryout. Please be dressed in athletic clothing with hair tied back. Bring plenty of water and your school spirit! 
