Morning Announcements
Wednesday, March 5th, 2025
If you are in the Transportation SHSM we have a trip to Fanshawe College London this Friday.
Please bring your signed permission form to Mr. Chernak asap.
Important for grads, if you have not completed the grad survey, please do so by Thursday morning, otherwise we will guess on your grad gown size, and it may be incorrect. Check your school email for the link.
Hoops 4 Heart
All day on Friday
Teams of 3-5
$25 donation to enter per player
See Mr. Flynn in the Phys Ed office for forms and to register you team! (Also play promo!)
Friday, February 28th, 2025
Congratulations to the girls ice hockey team earning at spot at the CWOSSA championships next week with their win against North Park yestarday. The girls look to defend their CWOSSA title !
Attention all badminton players! The badminton season is fast approaching! If you're interested in joining the Badminton team, please make sure to sign up outside the gym office. Please bring a signed permission form to Mrs. McGivern in room 213. Stay tuned for announcements about upcoming tryouts! Looking forward to an exciting season titans!
Today is the final day to qualify for the $200 discount on the Spain and Portugal March Break 2026 Trip! Talk to your friends and parents and get enrolled today! You won’t regret it!
Thursday, February 27th, 2025
Music ministry practice has been moved to the chapel today - bring your lunches
Attention titans attending the Costa Rica and Panama trip next week! The countdown is on! Only 8 days until we leave! If you are attending the trip- please see either Mrs. Bouw or Mr. Peixoto to discuss a few important items. This is not optional- you must see one of us today! Mrs. Bouw will be in room 246 all day except for period 2. You can find her in room 203 for period 2. Mr. Peixoto will be in room 141 all day. Looking forward to a great trip with all of you!
Attention members of the Boys Varsity Hockey Team.
The boys are asked to attend a MANDATORY meeting in Mr. VanParys room (room 242) at the beginning of lunch TODAY regarding their CWOSSA tournament next week.
Any questions or concerns, contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow, Mr. Lichty or Mr. Maitz
Reminder to the students signing up for the Spain and Portugal March 2026 trip. The $200 discount ends tomorrow so make sure you sign up by the end of the day! Your European vacation awaits!
Wednesday, February 26th, 2025
Attention titans attending the Costa Rica and Panama trip next week! The countdown is on! Only 9 days until we leave! If you are attending the trip- please see either Mrs. Bouw or Mr. Peixoto to discuss a few important items before next week! Mrs. Bouw will be in room 246 all day except for period 2. You can find her in room 203 for period 2. Mr. Peixoto will be in room 141 all day. Looking forward to a great trip with all of you!
Attention Grade 10s and 11s,
Spots have opened up for the Chiefswood trip next week to tour Pauline Johnson's home, learn about Indigenous traditions, and do some creative writing. This free school trip takes place on March 6th.
If you are interested to join, please come by for a quick information meeting at lunch in room 210 TODAY and to pick up a permission form. See Mrs Mayne or Mrs. Stenhouse if you cannot attend.
Tuesday, February 25th, 2025
ATTENTION students who are interested in joining the HT trip to Portugal and Spain March Break 2026. This is your chance to sign up for an exciting travel opportunity! There will be a trip information meeting today at lunch in ROOM 234 for everyone wishing to travel. ALL grades are welcome! Don't miss out on the chance to travel with your friends to Europe. Come to ROOM 234 at lunch today for more information. Bring your friends, and start planning your 2026 European vacation today!
Attention All Creative Writers!
This Thursday, during period 3, we will be having a virtual writing workshop with author Ellen Potter. That's right, we will be having another opportunity to learn from a successful, published author. The workshop will include discussion of the writing process, how to develop story ideas and strong characters, the power of revision, and an engaging writing activity. You'll also have time for a Q & A with the author.
All participants will get a free writing notebook and pen! See Ms. McColeman if you'd like to participate, as space is limited.
This announcement is for any grade 11 or 12 students interested in applying to the Canadian Reserve Military Co-op Program for the 2025/2026 school year. There will be a brief meeting at the start of lunch today in the library with Ms. Maxin. If you cannot attend the meeting, please leave your name with Ms. Burnie in guidance.
Monday, February 24th, 2025
Attention All students interested in the March Break 2026 Spain and Portugal trip, the early enrolment discount of $200 ends this Friday, Feb.28th! Make sure you enrol early to secure your spot and get the best price possible! See Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Sullivan or Mr. Bramer if you have any questions.
The senior boys basketball team competed at CWOSSA last Friday and Saturday in Guelph. The boys lost their first game to a very good Bishop Mac team. Heading into the second game as the underdogs, the boys upset Galt Collegiate, playing an outstanding game. Unfortunately, the game against North Park on Saturday did not go the way we hoped, ending an iconic season for the boys.
The coaches are very proud of the boys effort this season. Shoutout to all players on the team KJ Stronks, Trey D’Hondt, Nerraud Thomas, Mike Demaiter, Jack Palermo, Nick Bint, Lynken Derkach, Lucian Porto, Francois Faucher and Abraham Maritim.
Hello Titans! Do you love earth and environmental science? Are you in Grade 10 or 11? If you answered yes to both of these questions, then listen up! This summer the Faculty of Science at the University of Waterloo is hosting GeoX, a one-week camp for high school students to learn more about the field of earth and environmental science.
Students will participate in hands-on mapping and sampling outdoors and will use the lab technology and exploration instruments our students and industry professionals use daily. You will also be taking day trips off campus to explore an active mine, examine rock outcrops for fossils, minerals, and structures, and gather and test water and soil samples at various sites. Attendees will spend time with current students and faculty throughout the week getting a feel for what it’s like to be a UW Science student. If you are interested in attending this camp- it runs from August 10-16 and the cost is $700- which includes your stay at the University of Waterloo and all food for the week plus more! Any interested students- please come and see Mrs. Bouw in room 246.
Friday, February 14th, 2025
Attention all students and staff- the final order for health care spirit wear scrubs and hoodies will be placed next week. Order forms can be found in the main office. They are due on Wednesday of next week so be sure to check out the website this weekend if you want to order any scrubs or health care hoodies. This will be the last order for the year. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Bouw in room 246.
Attention titans- Are you fascinated by the human brain? If so- take part in the University of Waterloo Brain Bee held on Saturday March 1st at the University of Waterloo. This is open to all students from grades 9-12. You will learn about the human brain, neuroscience and the importance of brain research. Winners will advance to the National brain Bee Competition. If you are interested in participating, Please see Mrs. Bouw in room 246 for more information!
Today we will declare the winner of the Valentine's Day Colouring Contest! Colouring pages are available in the library. Please make sure you have your submission to Ms. McColeman, in the library, before the start of period 4. Come by the library at lunch to celebrate Valentine's Day by creating love notes for your friends and loved ones, or anyone who could use some extra love.
The library will be co-hosting a special event with the Norfolk County Public Library. It's the launch of the NCPL Literary Prize Writing Contest and it's happening this coming Wednesday, February the 19, during period 3. THIS YEAR THERE WILL BE A YOUTH CATEGORY JUST FOR TEENS! If you would like to attend, please see Ms. McColeman in the library ASAP! Space is limited.
Congratulations to the Seventeen swimmers competed at CWOSSA yesterday, and once again, their hard work paid off with many personal bests achieved.
Special shout-outs to Chelsea Haskett, Emily O’Neail, Emilia Brennenman, Meghan O’Neail and Rachael Rogers who are advancing to OFSAA and representing HT at the provincial event in March.
A big shoutout to the Junior Girls Volleyball team for an awesome game on Wednesday, winning the NASSA championships with a 3-1 win against Delhi! Karsyn Stronks dominated with her serves, Karys Hill smashed some incredible hits, and Lily Morris and Addie Wright held a strong defense. The whole team showed amazing communication and energy—way to bring the hype!
Good luck on Tuesday at the CWOSSA qualifier! Go Titans!
The senior boys basketball team defeated SCS on Wednesday night to secure the AABHN championship final and complete their undefeated season. All players contributed to the win, with KJ Stronks, Trey D’Hondt, Nerraud Thomas, Mike Demaiter and Jack Palermo having an exceptional game.
The boys play on Tuesday to see if they will advance to the CWOSSA championships.
Great work boys!
Do you want to participate in the experience of a lifetime? If so, Join us on our Spain and Portugal Trip in March 2026!
We will be holding an information meeting on Wednesday, February 19th at 6:00pm in the HT library for students interested in travelling with us and their parents.
See the information board outside the cafeteria for more information and now over to an EF Tours promo.
(Hopefully the promo works! If the promo doesn't work please still read the announcement and just delete the promo part.)
Wednesday, February 12th, 2025
Titans, join us in the library to celebrate and spread love! We have a colouring contest and supplies to create messages of love for your friends, family, teachers, and anyone else who could use some love this week.
Come to the library at lunch for colouring pages and love note supplies!
There will be a girl's rugby meeting Today at the beginning of lunch in room 239. If you are interested in playing, please attend.
Attention Grads, a $300 essay opportunity.
If you are in your graduating year and enjoy writing, answer the question "How might Religion be used to promote peace in the contemporary world?" You could be awarded $300 and a plaque.
See the guidance scholarship board or their BrigtSpace page for more info.
Attention members of the Boys Varsity Hockey Team.
The boys are reminded of their semi-final game TODAY in Delhi at 3:30 pm.
Any questions or concerns, contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow, Mr. Lichty or Mr. Maitz.
A reminder to all grade 12 students who are wishing to return for a 5th year. Applications (on the blue handout) to return are due by Friday Feb. 14th in guidance.
Wednesday, February 5th, 2025
A couple of messages from guidance.
Attention grade 12s: Grade 12 Community Service hours to be considered for graduation awards, are due this Friday. Please bring your signed volunteer hours that have been completed for a not for profit organization to guidance before the end of the day on Friday.
If you require a timetable change, please have a parent email your guidance counsellor with details of what you would like to change. Guidance is working through the changes in priority sequence, such as level changes or failed courses that need to be repeated. Elective changes are not a priority. Students must attend classes until guidance has contacted you. We are working through changes as quickly as possible, and we are unable to find you to discuss your desired changes if you are not in class. Many classes are full so timetable changes are not always possible. We will not make any timetable changes without parent permission and we will not make any changes for teacher preference or to be with friends.
Course selection presentations will be happening on Thursday during period 2 for any students in grade 12 who are wishing to return for a fifth year. Any student wishing to return should plan to attend.
Course selection presentations for Grade 9s will be happening next week Monday-Thursday with your period 1 class. Grade 10 and 11 students will have a brief refresher of our pre-Christmas presentations on Tuesday Feb. 11th. MyBlueprint will open on Monday Feb. 10th and selections, activity fees and digitally signed permission forms are due by February 20th.
This is a reminder to all students who are going on the Quebec trip next week that your form for dog sledding is due today. Please bring this to Madame Vezsenyi today or email a copy of the signed form.
Also, a reminder for French Club members who requested a hoodie please pay for this using school cash online and come and get your hoodie. If you no longer wish to have this hoodie then it will be available for other members of the club to purchase. Thank you.
Attention members of the Boys Varsity Hockey Team.
The boys are reminded of their practice tomorrow at 3:00 pm at Talbot Gardens.
Any questions or concerns, contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow, Mr. Lichty or Mr. Maitz.
Tuesday, February 4th, 2025
Any students with outstanding textbooks or Phys-ed jerseys please return them to the office as soon as possible. Students who do not return these items will be called down to the office to arrange return or payment for the item.
Attention members of the Boys Varsity Hockey Team.
The boys are asked to attend a mandatory meeting in Mr. VanParys room (room 242) at the beginning of lunch TODAY regarding their upcoming semi-final game next week.
Any questions or concerns, contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow, Mr. Lichty or Mr. Maitz.