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Morning Announcements

Monday, December 11th, 2023

There is a STEM meeting in Room 263 at lunch for all those interested in attending a planetarium event on Friday. Check the HT STEM Brightspace for details if you can't make the meeting! (Please read this one Monday and Tuesday. 


A huge thank you to our incredible chef Karen for hosting the French club last Wednesday ! We had so much fun making crepes and look forward to the next event !


Any senior students interested in being a tour guide for our upcoming Grade 8 Open House on January 18 from 6-8 PM, please sign up in guidance today.  You will get volunteer hours for this event.

Friday, December 8th, 2023

The Titans Junior Boys’ Basketball team opened the season with a 34-32 victory over the Simcoe Sabres.


A solid team effort was put forth by all 12 players.


Jack Palermo led the team in scoring, and Lynken Derkach and Parker Smith rebounded well and played strong defense.


The team is reminded of their next practice – Monday at 3:00 p.m.


The senior boys basketball team defeated SCS in their home opener last night with a score of 46-38. 

Lead scorers were KJ Stronks with 13, Andrew O’Neail with 10 and Trey D’Hondt with 8. 


24 swimmers represented Holy Trinity at the University of Guelph yesterday for their first competition of the season. For many, it was their first time competing at a swim meet. All swimmers did a fantastic job!!! Coaches were very pleased with everyone’s performance as well as the team spirit they demonstrated. Well done swimmers! See you at practice tonight!


Huge shout out to our Jr. Girls Volleyball team for winning their first game of the season against SCS.


And to add to that, the team played awesome on Monday winning the SCS Showdown tournament.


Keep up the great start ladies!

Thursday, December 7th, 2023

There is a STEM meeting this Friday, December 8th. Bring your lunch and come chat about our upcoming opportunities! 



Wednesday, December 6th, 2023

Reminder that the creative writing club is being held in 211 today and continuing each Wednesday until Christmas break.


Attention CCC club members- (formerly health care club) - just a reminder that the Registered Nurse Guest speaker will be at the school today in room 246 at lunch. Bring your lunch and your questions! 

Lunch is at 12:15 until 1pm today.


This is a reminder to those in the French club who signed up for the after school activity . We will meet in Chef's room after school today. 


Attention members of the Boys Varsity Hockey Team.

There will be a short meeting TODAY in Mr. VanParys’ room (room 242) at the start of lunch regarding the upcoming league schedule.

If you are not able to attend, please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow or Mr. Lichty.


Tuesday, December 5th, 2023

Any senior students interested in being a tour guide for our upcoming Grade 8 Open House on January 18 from 6-8 PM, please sign up in guidance today.  You will get volunteer hours for this event.


Hey Titans! If you like arguing, boy don't I have the club for you! There will be a debate club starting next Thursday which is December 7th. We will have ongoing debates on controversial topics, where you can argue with your peers in a professional setting. Eventually the debate club will turn into a Mock Trial team where you then would compete against other high schools in a trial setting! If this sounds interesting to you, please go sign up with Mrs. Haak in room (212) for further details. Hope to see you next Thursday!


Attention girls ice hockey players. Please meet in the lower cafe for an important but quick meeting immediately after announcements. Thank you. 

Monday, December 4th, 2023

Bible Study & Social will be in the Chapel and will have the NET members as special guests. All are welcome!


Attention members of the Boys Varsity Hockey Team.

Reminder that our first team practice is TODAY at Talbot Gardens at 3:00 pm. 

If you are not able to attend, please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow or Mr. Lichty.


On Friday, the Junior Girls’ Volleyball team played in their first tournament at Waterford. The girls went undefeated in five straight games, not allowing one set to be taken. The girls came out in force, demonstrating some strong serves, fierce hits and some amazing digs. The girls then moved on to the Championship game against a tough McKinnon Park. After two close sets, the girls lost, but a great game was had by both teams. This was a very impressive first outing for the team. The girls are headed to SCS for another tournament today. Good luck girls!


Hey Titans! If you like arguing, boy don't I have the club for you! There will be a debate club starting next Thursday which is December 7th. We will have ongoing debates on controversial topics, where you can argue with your peers in a professional setting. Eventually the debate club will turn into a Mock Trial team where you then would compete against other high schools in a trial setting! If this sounds interesting to you, please go sign up with Mrs. Haak in room (212) for further details. Hope to see you next Thursday!


Attention Grade 12 students!  There are some BIG scholarship deadlines next Friday Dec 1!   Be sure to see the SCHOLARSHIP board in guidance, or look at for the updated list


Some of these scholarships require nomination from your high school - The Western National (for high academic achieving students) , The Schulich Leader (for high achievers entering a STEM program, and the National Schulich BUILDERS scholarship for those entering the Trades! 


Attention Grade 12 students!  There are some BIG scholarship deadlines next Friday Dec 1!   Be sure to see the SCHOLARSHIP board in guidance, or look at for the updated list


Some of these scholarships require nomination from your high school - The Western National (for high academic achieving students) , The Schulich Leader (for high achievers entering a STEM program, and the National Schulich BUILDERS scholarship for those entering the Trades! 



Friday, December 1st, 2023

Attention boys who tried out for the Varsity Hockey Team.

A list is posted outside the phys-ed office for this team's official roster. 

We will be having our first team practice on Monday at Talbot Gardens at 3:00 pm. 

If you are not able to attend, please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow or Mr. Lichty.


Hey Titans! If you like arguing, boy don't I have the club for you! There will be a debate club starting next Thursday which is December 7th. We will have ongoing debates on controversial topics, where you can argue with your peers in a professional setting. Eventually the debate club will turn into a Mock Trial team where you then would compete against other high schools in a trial setting! If this sounds interesting to you, please go sign up with Mrs. Haak in room (212) for further details. Hope to see you next Thursday!


Attention CCC members - formerly known as the health care club!
Please check your school e-mail for important info from your student club leaders regarding how we will be communicating with club members for the remainder of the year.
2 guest speakers have been lined up for our next 2 meetings which are Wed. Dec. 6th and Wed. Dec 13th. So mark your calendars now!
Please check your e-mail for more info.
Any questions- please see Mrs. Bouw in room 246.


Thursday, November 30th, 2023

Attention all students in the French Club. There will be a meeting today at lunch in room 148. Please check in with Madame Vezsenyi if you can not attend.  See you at lunch! 


Attention boys who are trying out for the Varsity Hockey Team.

A list is posted outside the phys-ed office inviting those to attend tryouts this week.

The next tryout is TODAY at 3:00 pm at Talbot Gardens. 

If you are not able to attend, please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow or Mr. Lichty. 

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

Attention Swim team members, Please come to guidance on Wednesday Nov. 29th at the beginning of lunch to confirm your participation in the University of Guelph swim meet on Dec. 7th.  All swimmers must attend or speak to Mrs. Freund or Mrs. Deconinck-O'Neail.


Teachers, please send any collected food-drive items to the atrium following announcements.  Each grade will receive points for contributions to go towards winning a dress-down day!

For it is in giving that we receive, Titans!  Please give generously to those in need this season.  

Thank you to those that brought in the pancake mix and syrup yesterday!  Today we are receiving cereals & oatmeal. Tomorrow, please bring in soups & sides!    Thank you for your support, Titans!


Attention to any students interested in our Agriculture Club!  Are you interested in making a fresh greenery gnome!  Mrs. DHulster is organizing this lunch hands-on activity for next week!  If you are interested in participating, please stop by room 155 anytime to sign up.  There is a small cost for students to just cover the cost of the materials!   


Monday, November 27th, 2023

The senior girls basketball team ended their successful season on Friday at OFSAA.

Mr. Flynn, Ms. Edge and Mr. Miller could not be more proud of the hustle, heart and determination that the girls showed throughout the entire tournament. You put HT on the map as a tough team to beat across Ontario.

We want to wish the senior players, Victoria Ostia-Estevez, Charli Babin, Alexis Revai, Teagan Vanrooy and Kate Earle well as they move on. They will be greatly missed next season.

Thank you for the great memories this season girls, we will never forget your accomplishments.


ATTENTION all students who collected orders for Jensen's Cheese. Please bring in your completed forms and money to either Mrs. Sullivan or Mr. Varga by tomorrow.   ALL order forms must be handed in by Tuesday, November 28th. Thank you for all your hard work!

