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Morning Announcements

Wednesday, November 10th, 2021

Attention all cross country runners please check in with Ms. Deconinck O'Neail in guidance sometime today to let her know of your interest for Spirit Wear.  

Thank you. 


Attention boys trying out for the Varsity Boys Hockey Team.

Just a reminder that our next tryout is Monday, Nov. 15th at Talbot Gardens from 3:00 – 4:00 pm.

If you are unable to attend, please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Lichty or Mr. Martinow some time today.

Tuesday, November 9th, 2021

Our senior boys had a really tough loss last night after battling with the Delhi Raiders in 5 sets. The boys are congratulated on a great season and the coaches are happy with their commitment and hard work this season. All members of the senior boys team are reminded to bring in their uniform this week.


"Congratulations to the junior boys volleyball players who won their semi-final match against the Valley Heights Bears yesterday.

Strong offensive play was shown by Nick Weiler, Andrew O'Neail, Landon Griffin, Fionn Kelly, Marco Garcia and Andre Feere. Key defense was executed by Colby Holliday and great passes to set up kills were performed by Liam Stratford. Killer serves came from Marek Vannacker and Caron Zilkey. Our setters, Noah Gasciogne and Aady Kakoty hustled to the ball to set up key team plays. Overall awesome team efforts! Way to go boys. Our next practice is tomorrow after school. This is our last practice of the season!"


Attention boys trying out for the Varsity Boys Hockey Team.

Just a reminder that our next tryout is Monday, Nov. 15th at Talbot Gardens from 3:00 – 4:00 pm.

If you are unable to attend, please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Lichty or Mr. Martinow some time today.

Monday, November 8th, 2021

"Junior boys volleyball players, please meet in the gym at the beginning of lunch for a brief meeting".


Congratulations to Andrew O’Neail!   

Andrew competed against a field of nearly 200 of the top junior runners in the Ontario this weekend at the OFSAA cross country championships, and finished 9th in the province.   Way to go on Andrew!!!


The entire HT football team played awesome on Saturday but we'd like to give out some special shoutouts on the announcements for players that stepped up and showed exceptional leadership on the field. 

Thanks for supporting us all season!!  Here are the names and descriptions...

Josh Novelli – With minimal football experience at the start of the season, Josh Novelli looked like a seasoned vet in the Championship game against Delhi playing with confidence, speed and remaining cool and collected throughout the entire game.  

Taye Lovell – Coming to the game with a championship win on his mind, Taye Lovell made scoring look easy on Saturday with three touchdowns and contributed to several important plays throughout the game to help lead the team to victory.

Kiefer Binkley  – Showing his strength and determination playing as DE in the championship game, Kiefer Binkley showed what it means to be a leader on the football field when it matters most making some big plays to help secure a win on Saturday.

Andrew Fekete – Playing against a team that was physically bigger, it didn’t stop Andrew Fekete from playing fearlessly throughout the entire game. Andrew proved himself with a big tackle at the end that kept Delhi at bay and ensured a decisive win over our opponents, keeping them from scoring double digits.  

Chase Bacher -MVP!  Chase played an exceptional game on offence throwing the ball and running the ball! He had two touchdowns, he threw for over 150yards. He also was made game saving plays on defence accumulating tackles in the backfield and huge open field tackles. 

Isaac Andeyantso - stepped up this week as our kicker. He kicked the ball with precision and accuracy! Huge onside kicks and made his extra points with ease! 

Nolan Heeg- Defensive player of the game! He was a menace in the backfield. Nolan accumulated 6 sacks and a fumble recovery which led to a Titans touchdown.  He was a complete disturbance for the offensive line! 

Kaleb Davidson- played the entire game with a A foot injury. He was still making tackles in the open field huge hits and disrupting passes the entire game! 


All students will receive an email of their Quad 2 timetable on Wednesday of this week. Please make sure to check your email as your timetable will now be updated with information about the double lunch schedule.


Can all members of the Senior Boys Volleyball Team please come down to the gym at lunch today for a meeting.

Friday, November 5th, 2021

The Holy Trinity family would like to congratulate and wish good luck to Andrew O'Neail as he competes at the OFSAA provincial cross country championships tomorrow in Lakefield, near Peterborough.

Andrew will be representing Holy Trinity after earning a coveted spot in the championship by winning both the AABHN cross country championship and the more challenging CWOSSA cross country Junior boys division championship.  He will compete against approximately 200 other athletes from all across Ontario.  

We are very proud of Andrew's accomplishments thus far and know that his training and preparation will serve him well at OFSAA.  

Andrew, we wish you a great race with light and fast feet tomorrow.  Enjoy the experience!



Thursday, November 4th, 2021

The junior girls basketball team lost a hard fought battle to Delhi last night 44-38. Outstanding contributions by Aaliyah Hoover, Teagan Vanrooy and Rachel Rogers. The coaches would like to thank the girls for their hard work and dedication to the team throughout the season. Team members include Teagan Vanrooy, Aaliyah Hoover, Victoria Ostia-Estevez, Parker Lennox, Emma Thomson, Katie Earle, Gabby Moore, Rachel Rogers, Emersen McDpwall, Alexis Revai, Angelina Bobby and Jill Hurley. Great season Titans!

The senior girls basketball team won in an exciting game to SCS last night with a score of 47-44. Charli Thornewell had 23 points and Joanna Smith had 12. Outstanding performances also by Abbey Benaway, Hailey Vanmaele, Emma Jay Broer and Sophia Bomberry. The girls will play the Haldimand county winner after exams on November 15th and then advance to CWOSSA. Great work girls!


Attention boys trying out for the Varsity Boys Hockey Team.

Our first tryout is TODAY at Talbot Gardens right after school from 3:00 – 4:00 pm.

Be sure that you have completed all parts of the tryout form prior to going onto the ice.

If you are unable to attend, please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Lichty or Mr. Martinow some time today.


Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

Anyone that is interested in trying out for the schools curling team please come to the phys ed office to sign up.


"Junior boys volleyball players, this is a reminder of your practice after school today. Pleaes meet in the small gym + please use the small gym changerooms as the big gym is off limits for basketball finals".


Attention boys trying out for the Varsity Boys Hockey Team.

Our first tryout is tomorrow at Talbot Gardens right after school from 3:00 – 4:00 pm.

TODAY at the start of lunch, there will be a MANDATORY meeting in Mr. VanParys’ room (room 242) discussing the procedures and regulations regarding tomorrows tryout.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Lichty or Mr. Martinow.


Just a reminder that the Social Justice Club will be meeting in the Chapel at starting at 11:40. Please bring your lunch


Attention to those who signed up for the girls ice hockey team. 

The tryout times are now posted outside the phys-ed office. Tryout forms must be signed prior to going on the ice. Good luck to all participants.


Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021

Can all members of the boys volleyball teams come to the cafeteria after announcements for a quick meeting.  Thank you


"Attention junior boys' volleyball team players, today's game has been postponed to Monday. Please see your student email and / or other email for the full schedule. Our next practice is tomorrow after school. See you then".



Both the junior and senior girl’s basketball teams beat Valley Heights in the Norfolk Semi-Final yesterday. Top player performances for the junior team by Katie Earle, Teagan Vanrooy and Jill Hurley. Senior girl’s top scorers were Joanna Smith and Charli Thornewell with 16 apiece.

Both teams advance to the Norfolk Final against SCS on Wednesday at home. Good luck to both teams!


Good Morning all,

A reminder to all gr. 12 University bound students - The How to Apply to University session will take place at 10:50 am today.  The presentation will be broadcast in Mrs. Haak, Mrs. Pickersgill, Mr. Backus, and Mr. Roche's class.  If you are not in one of these morning classes but are planning to apply to University for next year please come to the lower cafeteria at 10:45 am for the Gr. 12 How to Apply to University session.  We will be going over the application process and then handing out your University application pin numbers.  Please remember to bring a pen or pencil. 


Attention boys interested in trying out for the Varsity Boys Hockey Team.

Today is the last day to sign-up.

Please sign-up on the tryout sheet posted outside of the Phys-Ed office before the end of the day.

Our first tryout will be this Thursday, at Talbot Gardens, right after school from 3:00 – 4:00 pm.

Tomorrow at the start of lunch, there will be a mandatory meeting in Mr. VanParys’ room (room 242) discussing the procedures and regulations regarding the upcoming tryouts.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Lichty or Mr. Martinow.



Monday, November 1st, 2021

Attention all university bound grade 12s and teachers of grade teachers 12 students. 

 The “How to Apply to University workshop has been moved up to tomorrow morning -Tuesday Nov. 2 at 10:50.  

Students will have the presentation broadcast in their class if they are in Mrs. Haak’s, Mr. Roche’s, Mr. Backus’s, or Mrs. Pickersgill’s class  -all other university bound grade 12’s should report to the lower cafe at 10:50 tomorrow.  University application pins will be handed out after the presentation.



Attention boys interested in trying out for the Varsity Boys Hockey Team.

Please sign-up on the tryout sheet posted outside of the Phys-Ed office.

Please listen to the announcements this week regarding when the first tryout will occur.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Lichty or Mr. Martinow.

Friday, October 29th, 2021

Can all members of the junior and senior boys volleyball team come down to the upper caf for a very brief meeting explaining playoffs next week.
Can all football scorekeepers come down to phys ed office after announcements for a very brief meeting to talk to Mr. Backus.


"Congratulations to the junior boys' volleyball team who won their match against the Valley Heights Bears in 4 sets yesterday. Top performers were Nick Weiler, Landon Griffin and Marco Garcia and Marek Vanacker in front row attacks and defense, and Fionn Kelly who hit at every chance for point winning kills, as well as our setters Noah Gascoigne and Aadi Kakoty who got to the ball for great sets for our offense. Good luck to the boys for play off action starting next week. This is a reminder of our next practice Monday morning. Have a great weekend, boys, and see you bright and early on Monday."


Congratulations to our Titan cross country runners who put in an excellent showing on a challenging course at CWOSSA yesterday!!  Runners representing Holy Trinity were

Aviah Bramer 

Laila Feruglio

Andrew O’Neail 

Ayden Carr and

Aiden Hurley

All runners had excellent races and should be very proud of their achievements.

A special shout out to Andrew  O’Neail who won the junior boys division and will be representing Holy Trinity at OFSSA next weekend.


The coaches would like to thank all runners for coming out this season, you should all be proud of your improvements.  

Anyone who would like to continue running we will run on Tuesday after school.


The junior girls basketball team defeated Valley Heights last night 46-22 to go undefeated in the regular season. Top scorers were Teagan Vanrooy and Katie Earle with 10 points each and Parker Lennox and Victoria Ostia-Estevez with 6.

The senior girls basketball team also defeated Valley Heights with a score of 53-20. Top performances by Abbey Benaway, Emma Jay Broer, Hailey Vanmaele, Joanna Smith and Jen Vandewiele. Great work girls!

Both senior and junior girls will be playing their first playoff games on Monday.


Attention boys interested in trying out for the Varsity Boys Hockey Team.

Please sign-up on the tryout sheet posted outside of the Phys-Ed office.

Please listen to the announcements next week regarding when the first tryout will occur.

Any questions or concerns please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Lichty or Mr. Martinow.

Monday, October 25th, 2021

Attention cross country runners please see Mrs. Deconinck-O’NEAIL in guidance today before noon to let her know if you will be attending CWOSSA onThursday. Thank you.

A big shout out to the HT football team for their gutty performance Friday afternoon against cross town rivals SCS.  The Titans came out with a win by a close score of 13-12 to clinch 2nd place in league play, and finish the regular season with a 3-1 record.  Standout performances offensively came from Taye Lovell, Cam Pearson, and Chase Bacher.  Defensive shout outs go to Kiefer Binkley, Nolan Heeg and Trey Ward.  The Titans will play in the semi final game this Friday at home against either PJ or Waterford.  The real season begins this week.  Time to get to work.


Starting today at lunch, Holy Trinity will be holding a Games Room every day at lunch.  Please feel free to bring your lunch to room 149 (cosmo room) to participate in a variety of board and card games of your choice.  Feel free to come with a friend or to come alone and meet some new friends at HT.   We look forward to seeing you there!


Thank you.  Ian and I have already spoken to some kids who are excited to have this room back up and running.  I hope it goes well.  I will also make sure there is a sign out binder at the door each day.
