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Morning Announcements

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Ms Bedic’s period 2 grade 10 class is reminded to meet in room 232 for class.

Ms Bedic’s period 4 grade 10 class is reminded to meet in room 251 for class.


“Yesterday the boys soccer team beat Valley Heights 5-0. Goals were scored by Issac Gascoigne, Isaac Adenebaytso, Landon Terrebroodt, Aadi Kakoty, and Cam Pearson. Strong performance from Robbie Acres and the player of the game was Connor Mendes”


Yesterday, the Trinity girls soccer team faced Valley Heights for their first game of the season. The Titans came out on top with a 5- 2 victory over the Bears. Outstanding goal tending by Blue Stewart was a deciding factor in the game. Congratulations to Sophia Correira and Lainey Dove for scoring for HT. Special shout-out to Aaliyah Hoover who scored a hat-trick for the Titan offence. Amazing teamwork and game play especially Maeve Suprun, Laura Mac Donald and Rachael Rogers. The girls team is back in action on Monday versus our cross town rivals SCS.


There will be a very important Music Ministry Practice over lunch today in the music room (Room 147) beginning at 11:45

Tuesday, April 18th, 2023

Anyone interested in participating in our school's track and field meet can come down to the phys ed office and sign up for your events. 

There will be a very important French club meeting today at lunch in Room 148 with Madame Vezsenyi . 

New members are welcome. 

Monday, April 17th, 2023

Ms Bedic's period 2 class, we are in room 232 this morning.

Ms Bedic's period 4 class, we are in room 263 this afternoon. 


There will be a boys soccer meeting today at lunch in room 253.


Attention students attending the cadaver lab with Mrs. Bouw Tuesday. Please check your E-mail for important information today.

Bus will leave at 8:55am sharp Tuesday morning. Please be in the atrium ready to go. Clothes toed shoes are mandatory. Spirit wear is allowed. Please dress for the weather. Bring money for lunch.

If you have any questions- please see Mrs. Bouw today in room 246.


Wednesday, April 5th, 2023

Attention students who were supposed to attend the cadaver lab with Mrs. Bouw in February- the rescheduled date is Tuesday, April 18th. Please check your e-mail or come and see Mrs. Bouw in room 246 for new permission forms. You must get these new permission forms signed to attend the new date. They are due by next Wednesday.


"Mr. Tait's and Ms. Bedic's classes, we are in room 224 today"


Large bags and knapsacks are not allowed in the library, just as they are not allowed in classrooms.

They are to be put in the cubbies just inside the library doors.

If an item in your knapsack or bag needs to be secured, please Miss Barron or Amanda to have put in the lLibrary Office.


Tuesday, April 4th, 2023

There will be a junior and senior badminton practice at lunch today. 

Practices will resume on wednesday - at lunch as well as after school from 3- 430.


The Vittoria District foundation has a scholarship available for those entering university or college. Applications can be found in the guidance office or online on the Vittoria district website. Due Date for applications is Friday July 14th, 2023.


Thank you to all past, present and future hospitality students Who have expressed an interest in our southern italy trip. The response has been amazing! If you haven't signed up there is still time!  Join us for. a cooking class in Rome, a walk through the Testaccio market,  a visit to Benevento, Bari and many other towns throughout Southern Italy. If you are interested in the cuisine and culture of Southern Italy, this is the trip for you! Please register by For our parent information meeting on Tuesday April 18th at 6 o'clock in our library. You can register by using the QR Code found on the flyers posted throughout the school or on Chef's door (room 157). Buon appetito!!! THIS TRIP IS BOARD APPROVED!!! Woohoo!!!!"


Do you want to participate in a school trip? Well we have a trip for you! The trip will include Travel to Rome, Italy where you will tour the city, its culture and history.  You will Tour the Vatican, Sistine chapel and witness mass at St Peter’s Basilica.   Then you will move on to Pompeii, take an overnight ferry to Patras, Greece.  You will Visit Athens and walk in the footsteps of ancient Greeks at the Acropolis and Parthenon. 
March break 2024! 
If interested sign up sheet can be found on Mr.Varga’s door Room 232  
This trip is school board approved. 
There will be a meeting in the library, April 12th at 6 pm. You can register by using the Italy and Greece QR code on the posters around the school. 



Monday, April 3rd, 2023

The Social Justice club is meeting today in the Chapel at lunch starting at 11:45. New members are always welcome.


During March Break 2024 HT will be running 2 International Trips: the first is the Italy Cuisine trip, if you are interested in this trip please sign up outside room 157. The 2nd is the Italy/Greece trip, if you are interested in this trip please sign up outside room 232. More information about upcoming meetings with EF tours will be coming this week.

Friday, March 31st, 2023

Do you want to participate in a school trip? Well we have a trip for you! The trip will include Travel to Rome, Italy where you will tour the city, its culture and history.  You will Tour the Vatican, Sistine chapel and witness mass at St Peter’s Basilica.   Then you will move on to Pompeii, take an overnight ferry to Patras, Greece.  You will Visit Athens and walk in the footsteps of ancient Greeks at the Acropolis and Parthenon.

March break 2024!

If interested sign up sheet can be found on Mr.Varga’s door Room 232 This trip is school board approved.

There will be a meeting in the library, April 12th at 6 pm

Thursday, March 30th, 2023

They say that third times a charm and I'm here to tell you that it is true! To all past, present and future hospitality students. Do you love Italian food? How does a cooking class in Rome sound, a walk through the Testaccio market? Maybe a visit to a mozzarella de bufala farm or a chocolate factory in Benevento?? Not to mention an olive oil tasting in Bari! If so, do we have a trip of a lifetime for you!!! If you are interested in joining us for the cuisine and culture trip to Southern Italy in March 2024, please add your name to the sign-up sheet on Chef's door (room 157). Details will follow about an information meeting next week. Buon appetito!!! THIS TRIP IS BOARD APPROVED!!! Woohoo!!!!"


Can members of the boys soccer team please head to the cafeteria for a brief but important meeting immediately following announcements”

Wednesday, March 29th, 2023

Attention grads, please go to guidance to confirm the spelling of your legal name for your diploma, the list is at Michele’s desk.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Attention all students interested in Prom planning!  We will be deciding our prom theme at our meeting this Wednesday at lunch.  If you have prepared a prom theme presentation, please ensure you come prepared to present.  New members welcome.  We will meet in room 155 at 11:40. See you then.   You MUST be in attendance at this meeting to vote for the theme.


A sports announcement - Mr. Ellis and coach Mike McCarroll would like to congratulate the girls curling team made up of Emma Stewart, Ally Cable, Erica VanNetton, Kerera Harris-McWwan and Camryn Winkworth who competed at OFSSA this past week in North Bay.

The team faced top teams from across the province. They won one game and scored points in every other game over the 4-day tournament.

What makes this journey from local to regional and provincial competition is that 4 of the 5 on the team are first year curlers.

Thanks girls for the excitment and enjoyment of watching you compete this season.

Mike and I are proud of you.
