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Morning Announcements

Monday, January 9th, 2023

On Friday, Dec 23rd we were supposed to have our Christmas Turkey Dinner but due to the snow day this could not happen.

We were however, able to donate all our Christmas dinners to the Soup Kitchen, the Women’s Shelter and Church Out Serving. 

Thanks to everyone that helped out during this time of year.    

Wednesday, December 21st, 2022

The senior girls volleyball team kept their regular season record perfect by beating all 4 schools that they faced yesterday.  The combined scores were 200 - 110.  Great work girls!  A strong team effort was displayed by all!


The HT Junior Boys’ Basketball team won its last two games.

Last Thursday, the Titans defeated Delhi 70-39. KJ Stronks led the team in scoring with 20 points and strong defensive play. Nick Bint, Jack Palermo, and Trey D’Hondt also put forth excellent efforts.

Yesterday, the Titans played strong team defense and defeated Cayuga 39-9. Grady D’Hondt and Abraham Maritim each scored 9 points and rebounded well. Noah Morris, Mike Demaiter, and Carter Mychajluk played solid defense. Julian VanHaverbeke, Lynken Derkach, Cadell Thompson, and Quintin Salverda also played well.

The two victories leave the Titans in first place with a record of 3 wins and 0 losses. The team is reminded of the final practice before the Christmas break – today at 3:00 p.m.


For Wednesday December 21st:

Games club at lunch is cancelled for today it will resume tomorrow


Monday, December 19th, 2022

The Boys Varsity Hockey Team continued their regular season play last Friday winning their first game but unfortunately lost their second game.


The boys defeated Delhi 6-2 in the first game but fell short in the second game losing to Simcoe 2-1.

The Boys go into the Christmas Break currently in 1st place and hope to secure the first seed going into their last two regular season games in the new year.


Shout outs to the teams defensive core which includes:

Robbie Acres

Koen Berkel

Hunter Gallagher

Braden Moore

Jacob Proracki

and Trey Ward


Along with both goaltenders 

Jack Millard 

and Kieran Gubesch

Wednesday, December 14th, 2022

Attention members of the Boys Varsity Hockey Team.

Just a reminder that our next regular season games are this Friday in Langton starting at 10:00 am.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow or Mr. Lichty.


The girl volleyball season is well under way.  The senior girls had a strong showing at a preseason tournament losing in the semi finals against a tough squad from St.Johns college.  

They followed that up with two regular season wins over Valley Heights and Delhi.  Overall the girls have had strong team play with everyone contributing to the wins.  Good luck tomorrow against SCS.


Attention Grade 12’s in Bio and Health Science- if you are attending the DNA Fingerprinting trip to Toronto tomorrow with Mrs. Bouw- please check your e-mail today for important reminders. We leave at 7am Sharp. Please be on time. Thanks!


There are some volunteer opportunities in guidance for tomorrow and Saturday helping St. Vincent de Paul assemble Christmas Hampers. This is a great way to give back to your community and be a small part of some families in our community enjoying Christmas. 


The social Justice Club Meeting scheduled for today has been moved to Monday Dec. 19. New members are welcome 


Monday, December 12th, 2022

On Friday, the Junior Girls Volleyball team played in their first tournament at Waterford. With only one game under their belt, the girls went undefeated during tournament play. They played hard against some really tough teams and made it all the way to the championship. The girls faced a tough SCS team and unfortunately came up short. Mrs. Lalonde and Ms. Lopes are incredibly proud of the girls and the effort put forth. A reminder that their next game is Tuesday, December 13 at 3pm vs Delhi. 


Hey titans! Do you like to act, sing, or dance? Would you like to work behind the Scenes of a performance? If so, the musical theatre club is for you!! Just sign up and stop by the drama room after school today at 3-4:30!

Friday, December 9th, 2022

Congratulations to the HT Swim Team who competed at their first swim meet of the season at the University of Guelph yesterday.  The coaches saw solid performances from each and every swimmer and want to commend them for their hard work.  See you at practice tonight!


The Local St. Vincent de Paul is looking for students to help organize their Christmas Donations this year. There are 6 hours available over 2 days. Sign-Up is available in the Guidance office - limited spots available.


The HT Junior Boys basketball team opened their season with two well-played games.

On Wednesday, the team traveled to Brantford to take on the Assumption Lions, losing to an experienced team 78-40. Standouts in this game included Kaden Stronks, Nick Bint, and Grady D’Hondt.

On Thursday, the Titans defeated the Valley Heights Bears 81-17 in their first league game. A solid team effort in this game included standout performances from Trey D’Hondt, Jack Palermo, and Abraham Maritim.

The team is reminded of their next practice – Monday, December 12th at 4:30 p.m. in preparation for league games next week against Delhi and Simcoe.

Thursday, December 8th, 2022

The Boys Varsity Hockey Team started their regular season in winning fashion.


The boys defeated Valley Heights in the first game 15-0.

Shout outs to:

Koen Berkel with 2 goals

Mason Demeulemeester with 2 goals

Andrew Lorimer with 2 goals

Tyler Demeyere with a hat trick

and goaltender Ethan Kett with a shutout


The boys then defeated Simcoe Composite in the second game 4-2.

Shout outs to:

Hunter Gallagher with 1 goal

Chase McCallum with 1 goal

and Chase Bacher with 2 goals


Coaches VanParys, Martinow and Lichty are proud of the boys overall play and look forward to continuing this winning streak.


Monday, December 5th, 2022

Attention boys who tried out for the Varsity Hockey Team.

The team roster has been posted outside the physed office.

Those on the roster are asked to attend a MANDATORY meeting TODAY at the start of lunch in Mr. VanParys’ room (room 242).

 If you have any questions, please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow or Mr. Lichty.

Friday, December 2nd, 2022

TLC is open at lunchtime every Monday - Thursday.  Tutoring help is provided on a drop-in basis. If you could use some extra help with math or science, peer tutors are willing and able to help you meet your academic goals. Needs in other subject areas are also welcome any time.


The new Musical Theatre club will be up and running Monday December 5th from 3 - 4:30 in the Drama room! Anyone is welcome, and there will be snacks! If you have any questions, please see Ryleigh OBrien or Sadie Saur. 

Thursday, December 1st, 2022

Huge Shoutout to the Music Ministry Team who did so well at Mass yesterday. The Regular Scheduled Thursday Practice is Cancelled for today and will resume NEXT Week. New members are always welcome.


Attention boys trying out for the Varsity Hockey Team.

Your next tryout is TODAY at Talbot Gardens at 1:30 pm.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow or Mr. Lichty.


Ms. Deroo is hosting a Grade 11 TRADES presentation on Dec 13.  If you are interested in learning about a career in the skilled trades, please sign up on Ms. Deroo's door in guidance


Attention curlers

Please be at the curling club on the fair ground’s today by 3:20 today.

Also, make sure you have submitted your permission form the Mr. Ellis.

Bring clean indoor shoes and dress warm. No shorts please.

If you have any questions see Mr. Ellis some time today, just not at lunch he is in a meeting.


